Check Point Appliance Hardware (Lachmann List, Update January 23rd 2017)

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Jan 232017

For years Tobias Lachmann posted a list of Check Point hardware, for the last time on July 30th 2015. I am continuing and extending the list for the new appliances. Therefore I need your contribution. If you have an appliance at your fingers please be so kind to issue these commands
cat /proc/cpuinfo > lachmann.txt
cat /proc/meminfo >> lachmann.txt

and sent the file lachmann.txt with the appliance type as subject to I will try to update the list by time.


  • CPU & Memory 1490 (Thanks to Christoph Murth)

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Jan 212017

Have you ever been frustrated that simple scripting is a problem when doing things on your Check Point firewall? There is a reason why compilers and scripting tools are very limited on such devices. The less options a potential attacker finds to do harm with the better.

As far as I remember from different trainings Check Point uses a GCC compiler to build the policies. But this compiler is said to be stripped down to a large extent.

And there exists Python within GAiA. I would not suggest to use this Python on a gateway, but on a management server it could be very useful.

This is how you start python:

[Expert@cp2205:0]# $FWDIR/Python/bin/python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jun 27 2012, 14:41:05)
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-20)] on linux2
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Python usage is limited in Check Point security gateway

The last line is true. We will see it in a few moments. Let’s try with a simple script: Continue reading »