Jan 212017

Have you ever been frustrated that simple scripting is a problem when doing things on your Check Point firewall? There is a reason why compilers and scripting tools are very limited on such devices. The less options a potential attacker finds to do harm with the better.

As far as I remember from different trainings Check Point uses a GCC compiler to build the policies. But this compiler is said to be stripped down to a large extent.

And there exists Python within GAiA. I would not suggest to use this Python on a gateway, but on a management server it could be very useful.

This is how you start python:

[Expert@cp2205:0]# $FWDIR/Python/bin/python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jun 27 2012, 14:41:05)
[GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-20)] on linux2
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Python usage is limited in Check Point security gateway

The last line is true. We will see it in a few moments. Let’s try with a simple script:

[Expert@cp2205:0]# cat test.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
print("Hello, World!")

We start this script:

[Expert@cp2205:0]# ./test.py
File './test.py' execution is not allowed according to Check Point policy

Oops. Which policy? Where do I define this? With strace you will find a hint to /etc/fw/conf/whitelist. Let’s append our file to this whitelist:

# VER: 20140202
# Python Whitelist

Okay. Next try:

[Expert@cp2205:0]# ./test.py
File './test.py' execution is not allowed according to Check Point policy

That was not really what I expected. Maybe precisely in the same way as in the whitelist?

[Expert@cp2205:0]# /home/admin/test.py
Hello, World!

Voilà! The rest is up to you.

Some last words: Knowing about the existence of /etc/fw/conf/whitelist maybe you will have a look on the contents of this file on your Check Point devices in the future.

  One Response to “Using Python on Check Point Firewalls”

  1. Very nice article!

    The /etc/fw/conf/whitelist file has 2 type of entries: path (the line begins with “p;”) or hash (line begins with “h;”).

    The path use wordexp() C library call, which is a shell-like expansion of the string (man wordexp). In other words, you can use wildcard characters in the path (in above example: p;/home/admin/*.py). The problem is, just the first match will check (if the /home/admin/ directory contains ‘a.py’ and ‘hello.py’ only the ‘a.py’ allow to execute it, because ‘a.py’ is first match and ‘hello.py’ is the second match (or you can use a full path of the python script without wildcard).

    The hash method uses the SHA1() hash of the python program. It is easy to create sha1() hash of the above example:

    [Expert:]# sha1sum /home/admin/hello.py # or ‘cpopenssl sha1 /home/admin/hello.py’ (why cpopenssl? Why cp? 🙂
    5b3488b47c302c3dfe9195032877dbab13dc4bd4 /home/admin/hello.py

    In this case the whitelist entry is:

    Just a final note: from R80.30 (maybe R80) no any restriction to execute python script.

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