SKO: New Check Point Appliances // VSX becomes adult

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Feb 092017

I am on my journey back from the Barcelona Sales Kick-Off of Check Point. We were presented the new appliances and while sitting at the airport I realize that they are already on the website. These are the new appliances: 3100, 5100 and 5900. The 5900 is really exciting with up to 32 GB RAM and dual hot-swap HDD or SSD. This system seem to fit perfectly between 5800 and 15400.

VSX R77.30 is quite a good implementation with some annoying flaws – but really worth using it. The now announced features for VSX in R80.10 and beyond will make it even a by far more mature OS. I am really looking forward to the first implementations. Stay tuned.

Check Point Security Checkup as Cloud Service

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Aug 032016

We have made Check Point Security Checkups for many of our customers or sales prospects. This is done via a mirror port configuration (sk83500: How to run a Mirror Port Proof of Concept) of a firewall gateway together with a security management server and SmartEvent.

Today Check Point announced a new R80 version of the Security Checkup in the Cloud (sk112732). This made me curious.  Continue reading »